Inlaid Wood Rug

Inlaid Wood Rug

Inlaid “Wood” Rug- $150

Different sizes and shapes available.

inlaid wood rug, modern rug, laser cut rug, contemporary rug

This article has 4 comments

  1. carrie

    Can you tell me more about this rug? Is it actually made of wood (I can’t tell from the picture). I am interested in one for my entry, but not sure how well it will hold up to two dogs and constant foot traffic. Also, if it is wood, will it scratch the wood floor underneath? Thanks.

  2. Lacey

    I love this “rug”, but I have the same concerns at Carrie about it holding up to foot traffic and a bull dog 🙂 Can you also tell me the diameter of this item?

    On a side note, was that bench purchased or DIY’d? I am looking something not too deep for my entryway and that looks like the perfect size!

  3. Lacey

    I have the same questions about the rug. Will it hold up to a pup running around? What is the diameter? And finally, is it actually wood? I love it!

  4. admin

    Hey Ladies,

    I have 2 pups and it has held up great. It is very thin, so foot traffic doesn’t bother it. The material is actually linoleum, but the whole idea is for it to look like inlaid wood. Hope that helps!

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