DIY Thumb Tack Sunburst Mirror

DIY Thumb Tack Sunburst Mirror
Hello Friends! Man, I am happy to be back here and focused on the blog this week! Last week was a little crazy for us, both in good ways and in bad. Tim told you about some of our good news on Friday. Maybe I’ll go into the “bad” stuff some other time, but rather than focus on it, today I am excited to dive into a very simple and inexpensive DIY!
Check out this before and after.
There are a couple of changes, but did you notice the mirror? Before I started there was no bulletin board in this room, and I kind of feel like they are a necessity in an office. So I hung one up for functional use. Then I decided that the room needed at least one mirror in it, so I attached a simple circular one (bought from a local craft store for a few bucks) to the bulletin board. I used velcro to attach it.


The mirror all alone seemed very plain jane and unfinished to me. I wanted to spice it up a bit. So, I got to thinking about a material I could use that would make sense in the space. Well, being that this is an office and the mirror was on a bulletin board, I came to the conclusion that silver thumb tacks would be the perfect product to use. I ended up with this. . .

I really like the way it turned out. I feel like it added a bit of bling to the space! I especially love that it mimics the nailhead trim on the office chair! 🙂

The process was easy- I simply did my best to keep the tacks even distances apart and off set each ring.
In all the process probably took me about 15 minutes and $6! Yay for cheap, easy, and fabulous! 🙂
Here’s to hoping your week starts off with a bang! 🙂

This article has 17 comments

  1. Jill Elaine

    I really like how that mirror turned out. And I’m lovin’ that yellow chair and chevron rug!
    Very lovely space:) And I too love cheap,easy and fabulous;)

  2. Kara Paslay

    Thanks Jill! I am glad to hear you are feeling better! Being sick is the worst. 🙁 PS- I need to e-mail you. How much do you charge to sew things like bench cushions? I am sure I could use your sewing prowess in the future!

  3. Kara Paslay

    Thank you Pam! I think my client was pleased, so that makes me happy! I’m loving all your inspiration photos and Good Will finds! You’ve got me itching to go treasure hunting now! 🙂

  4. Kara Paslay

    Hey Cassie! The client was pretty clear on the color palette she wanted and I was happy to implement it! Tangerine Orange is going to be in this year! 🙂 PS- Can’t wait to see how you clean up your “clutter zones!”

  5. Allison

    Hi, can you let me know what the blue fabric on the board is? I have a bulliten board that I’d like to use and recreate this look.

  6. Tim Paslay

    Hey Allison,

    Sorry it took us so long to answer your question. We actually just spray painted the corkboard. No fabric. It is hard to go wrong with spray paint.

  7. Shannon

    Hi, I found your link off Pinterest and really interested to know where you got that chair? it’s amazing and I want one! haha

  8. Lynn Doire

    I love this idea!!! My 13yr old daughter and I are getting some ideas together to re-do her room on a very limited budget to give it a more grown-up look and this would be perfect. I was also thinking about maybe using a smaller board to use as a “makeup” mirror…just a thought, we’ll see. Thanks for sharing.

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