Hello, hello! Are you ready for another update today?!
As I’ve mentioned before, I am working on an outdoor space right now. It is a courtyard located in one of Tulsa’s most charming neighborhoods! I love courtyards because they are somewhat visible from the street, so you can see that fun stuff is going on in there, but they are not so open that everything is exposed. Courtyards leave your curiosity piqued and your imagination running wild! They can be quite frustrating for passerbys, but a real treat for guests that get to come in and discover the whole space!
When I started on this space it was a blank slate. . .
The first thing I wanted to do was build a pergola. I felt like the structure would add some architecture to the outdoor area and create a sense of “something special happens here.”
Once the pergola was built, it needed to be stained. I tried to hire that out but couldn’t find anyone in the tight timeline I was on (the couple planned to host a rehearsal brunch for a wedding). So, because I wanted happy clients, I decided I needed to carve out the time to stain the pergola myself.
Now you guys know, I am very experienced in staining and all sorts of household projects. BUT staining this pergola made me feel completely inept. It is absolutely the messiest project I’ve ever taken on. Luckily, I had covered the ground with multiple drop cloths, so all the concrete was protected. I, however, was not! I had stain all over me!! And what made it even worse is that the husband came home for lunch and ventured outside to say hello. I’ve never been more embarrassed!!! I looked like a two year old playing with finger paints. It was on my face, in my hair, and of course, my clothes were ruined. I had taken off my shoes in an effort to save them from certain doom. I looked like a hot mess and completely unprofessional! And there was my client, seeing me in all my glory. I. could. have. died.
I asked him to please wipe this moment from his memory and kept on staining, because I didn’t know what else to do. Let’s hope he can still see me with a shred of dignity after all that! Haha! Eventually I figured out a way to keep the stain from flowing out of the roller when I pushed it onto the wood and finished up the project. Then I added a few pots, fire columns, and a waterfall to finish the space off for the big event! Check it out!
The space is looking good, but we still have some really great pieces to add! Stay tuned to see it all come together! 🙂
Great timing.. I just just been considering a pergola.. what is the material that is draping between the rafters?
looks great! I’m not sure anyone could do a job like that and not get completely messy. what was the trick you discovered?
Oh how funny! I know exactly where this is because we drive by that house every Sunday after church & Starbucks. 🙂
I’ve been admiring the house all along, and even more now with the pergola. Great job Kara!
I have never tried to stained anything with a roller – I can imagine that must be messy! Gorgeous results though – this is definitely inspiration for my future patio plans. As someone who has hired pros for many jobs, I always am skeptical of the ones who stay clean while doing manual labor…how much effort are they putting into staying clean and how much into doing work? If it’s so easy, maybe I didn’t need to hire them?? I’m much more impressed by contractors who are clean, tidy and well spoken during the initial meeting, but show up ready to work when necessary
Haha! I loved that, I’m sure the client was amazed by your hard work and go-to attitude. It looks amazing though, gorgeous job!!
I bet you looked adorably messy and like someone who will go the extra mile! If I was your client, I would have been impressed by you being an all-around go-to designer and doer! 🙂
I always wipe myself down with babyoil when using stains. It wipes right off when I’m done. I even covered my hair once when spraying overhead and the cleanup was a breeze.