She Said “Yes!”

She Said “Yes!”
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends last week. We not only celebrated a great holiday but also an addition to our family! Last week, my brother (Victor) asked his girlfriend (Claire) to marry him and. . . she said “Yes!” Yay!!! Victor asked me to help him decorate the proposal site, and of course I was happy to help! 🙂
Victor chose a local park as the site to pop the big question. Here he is waiting for his lovely lady, Claire to be lured over to where he was waiting for her. The whole thing was a huge surprise for her.
Tim and I set up behind a tree to get some covert shots of all the happenings.
Now, the actual proposal site didn’t get a lot of decor, we let the beauty of nature set the scene there. But after the “Yes!” was secured, we revealed our positions behind the tree and led Victor and Clare over to a little area we had prepared for them to celebrate and enjoy the moment.
There was a small gazebo on the property and that is where we set up the “celebration station!” We littered it with tons of balloons, candles, pictures of them, and a few other fun things!
I didn’t get enough photos from my engagement, so I wanted to make sure that this happy couple could look back on this wonderful moment in their lives with plenty of pictures. I prepared for this by creating a chalkboard message that they could use for some immediate photos but also keep to use as art in their home!
I created the hanging backdrop with some store bought Christmas garland and a few strands of handmade coffee filter garland. I keep coming up with different uses for coffee filters. . . I kinda love them!!! I used an old suitcase to keep with the “starting a new journey” theme, but that’s about as far as I took it. Of course a bottle of champagne and tons candle light helped to set a romantic scene for the two lovebirds to enjoy some time alone before they headed to Claire’s home where both families were waiting to give their congratulations.
I can’t wait to see what Claire comes up with for her wedding! She’s such a creative, artistic person, I know it’s going to be incredible! Have any of you been to or had a super creative and/or beautifully designed wedding? I always love seeing amazing wedding photos and I’m sure Claire would love some inspiration! I’ll be creating a wedding ideas post soon, so send me pictures if you have something to include! 🙂
‘Til tomorrow!

This article has 7 comments

  1. Leslie

    What a beautiful setting! The garlands and all the candles were beautiful! No one was there to photograph our engagement, so I know how precious those pictures will be!

  2. Lisa Johnson

    this is delightful! What a wonderful treasure those pictures will be. I am really into wedding planning now with my daughter’s wedding only 5 months away (!) so i love this. She has so many good ideas, but I love those special unexpected touches, such as your garland backdrop that take everything up a notch. We’re trying to think outside the box, and I love your design approach to using everyday objects with a creative spin. And Janie (above comment), that tissue paper, chicken wire wall is amazing!!

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