Kids’ rooms are some of my favorites to take on because of the freedom to embrace whimsy and really make a space feel magical. In Mr. Jaxon’s baseball room, I wanted pieces placed throughout the room that would speak to his playful spirit. When I was considering these special touches, I made sure not to forget the ceiling! I wanted to make sure that when Jaxon was laying in bed, about to fall off to sleep, that he would have something to look at besides a blank white, boring ceiling!
This picture/project from Royal Design Studio Stencils inspired me!
Of course, I thought what would look better than shiny gold stars to spur sweet dreams in Jaxon. So, I used the combination of my starry night stencil and Modern Masters Olympic Gold to create a the look I was going for!
After a few hours of work, we had a ceiling worth staring at!
Pics of the entire finished room coming soon! A big thanks to Modern Masters and Royal Design Studio Stencils for making the project not only possible, but super easy!
PS- you can pick up Modern Masters paint at your local Spectrum Paint! Find a location here!