A few weeks ago, I got a call to decorate the set for a cooking show. Now, I’m a terrible cook, but I sure know how to dress a kitchen! 🙂 The look we were going for was a fresh, farmer’s market type of feel. Here’s how the space looked before I got started.
Being that this location was actually a local cooking school, the goal was to work with what we had. No painting or construction stuff allowed. We were able to remove the paper towel holder and cover the holes with a chalkboard. If you notice, Tim (we got to work together on this project!!) also installed a metal rod underneath the stainless shelf. He made that work with some high powered magnets- no screws required! I then used that bar and a few hooks to hang baskets full of food.
PS- the stuff on top of the tall cabinets was not in the shot (which is why it has random light bulbs and boxes on top of it ).
Here’s a “behind the scenes” shot- getting ready for the next segment!
To make the set feel alive I layered food, baskets, cutting boards (I love wooden cutting boards), and overflowing bowls and bags.
I especially loved those old fashioned milk jars! More on those later this week!
This shelf was in the background of a few shots and even though it was barely visible, it had to be decked out and picture perfect.
So what can you learn from this project? Some people like to keep their countertops completely clutter free, but as you can tell from the before photo- that makes things feel sterile and boring. And although you don’t have to pretend you keep blocks of cheese out on your cutting board, a few well placed pieces will bring interest and life to your kitchen!
PS-If you’re interested in organic eating, this cooking show will be right up your ally! I’ll let you know when and where you can find episodes in the near future!
Do you have a project you’d like to share with Kara Paslay Designs readers? Please send me an e-mail! I’d love to feature your incredible transformations!
This was really fun to see. I love what you did with the space!
Beyond Organic! AWESOME organization and concept. Will change your life. Learn more…
Oh and the kitchen space is awesome too! 🙂
Yes, I need those milk jars- are you gonna tell us where we can buy them? can’t wait!