What do you do when you’re looking for a completely unique entry way light? I head to Anthropolgie! Not to buy a chandelier that they already have hanging in their store, but to see what I might be able to modify to create a one of a kind piece with that charming Anthro personality!
To my delight, Anthro lived up to my expectations this time around when I spied these lanterns!
Brass and glass…..so gorgeous, right?!! I think this lantern would be beautiful anywhere, but I thought it would really shine if it was hung up high for all to see! And with a metal base, I knew it could very easily be converted to a light fixture! Here’s how it turned out……
As you can see, I went to specialty lighting store to buy hardware that would match the brass finish of the lantern perfectly. To me, it looks as if this piece was always meant to be a chandelier! Yay!