Happy Friday Friends! Wednesday Ashley did a little bar cart round up for us! These versatile pieces are all the rage right now as we’re seeing them being used in every room in the house. Today, I wanted to show you how I recently took a bar cart that had seen better days and brought out its beauty.
Here was the bar cart before…..
Obviously not a lot to look at…. but the function of the piece was perfect and the shape was simple- making it an easy redo!
First, I started by giving the whole base a coat of gold paint. Why?……….Gold needs no explanation.
Next, I needed to deal with the ugly orange. My solution was as easy as measuring the trays and calling a glass shop to cut pieces that would fit perfectly inside. From this point I could have gone so many directions. Painting the back of the glass, putting decorative paper underneath, ect. Instead, I used the gorgeous green mirror tint that I’ve been in love with lately and applied it to the back of the glass, which created this look…..
Then, I simply dropped the pieces into place! I love the gold and green combo. (PS- I photographed this piece with two different backgrounds to show you how it could work in different spaces.
And all that was left was the styling!
What do you think? Would you place this piece in your house? Remember to look at older items with transformative eyes. Those pieces that look beat up beyond repair can often be beautified with a little love!
What can you tell me about the green tinted mirrors and that process?