Hello Friends! This morning I have more revamped chairs to show off! I bought these Eames style chairs at a garage sale years ago. Even back then, I felt like the faded orange and yellow was a little lack luster. However, I chose to enjoy their vintage feel for a while.
Recently though, I decided it was time to go ahead and give these fabulous forms a little bit of life with a new coat (or rather coats) of color!!!
I decided to go with an gradient effect, choosing to paint one chair orange, one marigold yellow, one coral, and one pink! And of course, I chose some primer the promised to stick to fiberglass.
Here’s what the end result looked like!
It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do for a vintage piece! I love the visual effect the chairs now create when stacked or sat side by side! So pretty! It was my plan to sell these, but now I’m having second thoughts!!! 🙂