Hey Friends! I have a lot more fun to reveal from my design binge last week, but let’s take a quick breather from that big project and look at something a bit more bite size. Remember this post a few weeks ago when I highlighted the artist Banksy and some of his unique and intriguing artwork? Well, I mentioned that it inspired me to take on a little project of my own. I’ve been hanging on to a picture of the Mona Lisa that I received in some random mail package a while ago. I never quite knew what to do with the piece, but throwing away The Mona Lisa (even a mini, crappy replica of it) seemed wrong. So I kept it…
Well after looking through some of Banksy’s work, I was inspired to finally do something with Ms. Mona……
As you can see, I covered the background in a gradient of coral colors, put a little pink on her lips, and added a favorite saying of mine. 🙂 I’ve always thought Mona could stand to smile a little more, so this finished piece feels very Banksy to me. Just a fun, small project to keep my creative juices flowing. ‘Til tomorrow! 🙂
LOVE it! So subtly cheeky. And she really looks good with a pink background and a little lip paint!